Flank eruption of july, 17th , 2001


Once more, here we go, the hard core, towards Etna. This time, and although I was there 2 months ago, we absolutely cannot miss it. Whereas all the demonstrations observed until now occurred only on the summit craters at more than 3000 m, the system of North-South fractures which followed the tremors allows the output of the lava at 2100 m, very close to the road and Sapienza. The four of us left to Catane, via Rome: Alain, Bruno, Crilibi, and Jean-Louis your webmaster.

Text will undoubtedly come later. For the moment, here are the images They come from my Camedia and are available for certain (brown rectangle) in their maximum resolution, i.e. 640 X 480. Well yes, it starts to get old! An sorry, it is without optimization for the pages: quite heavy to load!.

I have also small video shots which you can download by clicking on the links below:

COM: Centro Operativo Misto...

Interresting maps

But what we want is our pass to the summit!

Map of volcanic hazards. We are at Nicolosi

Finally, after more than 6 hours of waiting... Il mongibello

The 2100m eruptive fissure, from where comes the flow threatening Nicolosi


Here is the plume which sprays over Catania

Hello, all is fine, I'm sun tanning

Gastrorandonneurs (gastrowalkers). You'll understand why later..

Start to understand?

After the beer, we get up.

There is even guarda civile up the mountain.

Bulldozers never stop

Come on, avanti!

The new vent, north of the Montagnola. You see the top station of cable car

The 2550m vent with phreato-magmatic explosions

The 'gastro' part of the walk...


Errrrr, gimme the salt!

Fabulous show

Didn't I heard someting, there?


It is Mandarine Napoléon. Yes!

Comfy on Etna, no?

South-east cone as background

Cable car station again

South east cone We will not go up there...

After sunset, the explosions start to glow red...

And we see a new cone, east of the south-east cone (Pizzi dei Neri?)

We have a better view from there

The fracture at the Sudestino glows

We go down along the lava flow

Crilibi touches a red hot lava block. pshhhhh!

This one passed 1 metre from me. Hot!

Alain + hurry + bad torch light
= fall down!

What we had left for breakfast. Finally, the caffè was open, and we had croissants and capuccini!

Back to Catania, at the fish market. It was raining ashes...

one protects as one can.

At the airport with Frank Pothé (center) back from a 'Spécial eruption'

The mess at the airport as all the flight are cancelled...

Because of the 'cenere vulcanica, tutti' flights will be

'ritardi o calcellati' . So, we gain (at least) one extran day of forced holliday

And here is the guilty:

The ash plume


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Last update of this site: 22 août 01